About Solvent recovery

The vapour formation is a unavoidable outcome of many processes like the boiler, heaters, etc. There is a huge wastage of the vapour everyday and the matter of concern is that the raw material, in the form of boiler water is no way cheap.

The condensate that is recovered is also very valuable as it is in the form of pure water and it is expensive. Many a times a steam recovery system is provided in the

Condensate is discharged from steam plant and equipment through steam traps from a higher to a lower pressure. As a result of this drop in pressure, some of the condensate will re-evaporate into 'flash steam'. The proportion of steam that will 'flash off' in this way is determined by the amount of heat that can be held in the steam and condensate.

The condensate recovery system by Dhee Technology, is sophisticated enough to provide the optimum recovery of condensate and the solvents.

  • Condensate recovery system

    Condensate is a valuable resource and even the recovery of small quantities is often economically justifiable. The discharge from a single steam trap is often worth recovering.

    There is also a heat energy saving as the heat is exchanged, leading to increase in the efficiency of the boiler, which is very important for a process plant.

  • Solvent recovery system

    The process of recovering the solvent is not new but there are newer and better ways than the conventional ones. We provide all types of the condensate recovery mehthods that can be used by a plant. The most common ways are distillation process, evaporation,etc but there are also chemical methods as well as filtration methods, that could be used for this

All our products meet the industry standards for quality and are bear ISO and other certifications as per the product. While other companies have green just as a buzzword, here we follow a completely eco-friendly philisophy